Photos below taken on April 13, 2008
I-64 eastbound
(toward Richmond), about one and a half mile west of the VA-271 Pouncey Tract
Road overpass, a third lane is being constructed on the right, and a sound
barrier has been constructed on the right, adjacent to a subdivision and apartment
complexes. The third right lane will extend seamlessly between the I-295 and
VA-288 interchanges.
I-64 westbound
(toward Charlottesville), one mile east of the VA-288 interchange, a third
lane is being constructed on the right. View from a service road by the roadside.
Looking west. The third right lane will extend seamlessly between the I-295
and VA-288 interchanges.
I-64 westbound,
one mile east of the VA-288 interchange, a third lane is being constructed
on the right. View from a service road by the roadside. Looking west.
Notice the new limited access right-of-way fence, this is the "farm fence"
type that VDOT utilizes in rural areas. This is a replacement of the original
fence due to the widening of the roadside embankment to accomodate the new
traffic lane.
The other VDOT type of limited access right-of-way fence, is a "chain link
fence" type utilized in urban areas and other areas where a stronger fence
is warranted.
I-64 westbound,
one half mile east of the VA-288 interchange, a third lane is being constructed
on the right. The third right lane to the VA-288 interchange, begins ahead,
and the current construction project ends. The third right lane will extend
seamlessly between the I-295 and VA-288 interchanges. Notice the overhead
sign for the exit to VA-288 southbound. Asphalt base material has been placed
for the new lane and shoulder. Notice the new limited access right-of-way
fence. |
I-64 westbound,
one mile east of the VA-288 interchange, a third lane is being constructed
on the right. View from a service road by the roadside. Looking east. The
VA-271 Pouncey Tract Road overpass bridge is in the distance. Notice the new
limited access right-of-way fence. |
Photos below taken on April 26, 2008
interchange, the ramp from westbound I-295 to westbound I-64 (toward Charlottesville).
This one-lane ramp is being widened to two lanes, and is being relocated in
two places to provide a higher-speed alignment. The ramp is being rebuilt
to a higher-speed 2-lane ramp, notice the asphalt roadway to the right of
the concrete barricade that is under construction, that is the right lane
of the rebuilt ramp. A sound barrier was constructed on the right, adjacent
to a subdivision.
This rebuilt ramp will have a design speed 110 kph or 68 mph.
interchange, the ramp from westbound I-295 to westbound I-64 (toward Charlottesville).
This one-lane ramp is being widened to two lanes, and is being relocated in
two places to provide a higher-speed alignment, and the area on the right
side of the curve ahead is one of the places where a ramp curve will be lessened;
notice the asphalt roadway to the right of the concrete barricade that is
under construction. The ramp merges into I-64 ahead. A sound barrier was constructed
on the right, adjacent to a subdivision. |
beam placement has been completed for the 2-lane flyover bridge from eastbound
I-64 to eastbound I-295 (toward Washington and Norfolk).
Looking from the rear of the Lowe's home improvement store loading area.
The next 3 photos are from the same vantage point, but with a successivly
wider angle.
beam placement has been completed for the 2-lane flyover bridge from eastbound
I-64 to eastbound I-295 (toward Washington and Norfolk).
Forms placement for the construction of the reinforced concrete roadway
deck has begun at the beginning of the bridge, which is just to the left of
this vantage point.
The flyover bridge will be 1,765 feet long and 35 feet above I-64.
beam placement has been completed for the 2-lane flyover bridge from eastbound
I-64 to eastbound I-295 (toward Washington and Norfolk).
Notice the "straddle bent" piers that extend outward to fully span the
I-64 roadways.
beam placement has been completed for the 2-lane flyover bridge from eastbound
I-64 to eastbound I-295 (toward Washington and Norfolk).
I-64 traffic is visible to the right, and the existing I-295 bridges over
I-64 are visible in the distance.