Here are 3 photos of Route VA-288 under construction, taken in early February,
2003. Click the thumbnail photo for a larger photo (they range in size from 157
KB to 176 KB).
288 construction, looking south from the Charter Colony Parkway overpass over
VA-288. Visible in the distance, is the north end of the completed VA-288
section from VA-76 to north of Lucks Lane. The completed portion visible here
is north of Lucks Lane and is not yet open to traffic. |
288 construction, looking south from the Charter Colony Parkway overpass over
VA-288. This photo was taken from the same vantage point as the previous photo,
but it was taken with a 135mm (2.7x) telephoto lens, instead of the 50mm (1.0x)
regular lens used previously. |
288 construction, looking north from the Charter Colony Parkway overpass over
VA-288. Heavy grading is under construction for the mainline of VA-288. The
interchange and overpass bridge for Woolridge Road is under construction in
the distance. |