Forest Glen Metro Station
Forest Glen Station is just north of the I-495 Capital Beltway. It is the deepest subway station in the WMATA system, the platform is 196 feet/60 meters (21 stories) below the street, and high speed elevators take less than 20 seconds from street level to train platform (data source: WMATA). The station has 2 small circular train halls, over 100 feet apart, with a passageway connecting them. There is a bank of 6 elevators that run from the platform level to the mezzanine (faregate) level. The elevators are large and fast. Very interesting station. It is located at Georgia Avenue and Forest Glen Road.Above, Forest Glen Station train hall. The entrance from the elevator corridor is to the right of the photo.
Above, Forest Glen Station from train hall, train bound for Glenmont just arrived.
Photos by Scott Kozel. Click each photo for a large photo. Taken on July 25, 1998, opening day of Glenmont Station extension. The Forest Glen and Wheaton Stations opened on September 22, 1990, as an extension of the Glenmont Route from Silver Spring Station to Wheaton Station.
Lead article for
Metrorail Glenmont Route.Page by Scott M. Kozel,
Roads to the Future