Bay Bridge Photos 9 thru 12 - July 1976

I have three web pages that show 12 photos that I took while driving across the westbound bridge in July 1976, and the photos advance from the Eastern Shore to the Western Shore. Actually I took two trips on one day, using a 135mm telephoto lens on one trip, and a 50mm regular lens on the other trip. Still, the photos are in driving sequence.

Above, westbound, on suspension span. Telephoto lens.

Above, westbound, I have passed the main suspension span, looking toward Western Shore. Regular lens.


Above, westbound, I have passed the main suspension span, looking toward Western Shore. Telephoto lens.

Above, westbound, approaching Western Shore and toll plaza. Telephoto lens.

All photos © Copyright January 2001 by Scott Kozel. All rights reserved.

My lead page for Chesapeake Bay Bridge Photos.

My main article about the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

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By Scott M. Kozel, Roads to the Future