Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Photos, August 1998
Above, northbound, North Channel Bridges in distance. Parallel bridge (from Fisherman Island to the northernmost man-made island) just opened a couple weeks before, and all traffic is now using the new bridge, while the old bridge is closed for bridge deck rehabilitation and resurfacing. Landfall is Fisherman Island.
Above, travelling southbound on new North Channel Bridge, near Fisherman Island. Above, travelling southbound on new North Channel Bridge, near Fisherman Island, taken after previous photo. Two-way traffic is on the new span while the old span (at left) is closed for rehabilitation. The city of Hampton is straight ahead, but about 16 miles away, and over the horizon. To the left of the edge of the photo is Norfolk and Virginia Beach, but again about 16 miles away, and over the horizon.
Above, parallel trestle opened a couple weeks ago, with temporary bridge to south island. Picture taken from fishing pier at southern island, which is about 4 miles from the Virginia Beach shoreline (visible in distance). I am standing where the centerline will be when the parallel tunnel and approaches is built in the future.
Above, original span, just south of southernmost manmade island, closed for rehabilitation and resurfacing. I drove the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel on August 23, 1998, in both directions. In the last 2 months, two sections of the new 2-lane trestle have been opened to traffic. The new trestle from Virginia Beach to the southernmost manmade island has two-lane two-way traffic operating on it now. The new trestle from the second manmade island to the third manmade island is near opening. The bridge structure is fully complete, and most of the guardrail and overhead lighting is complete. The new trestle from the northernmost manmade island to Fisherman Island has two-lane two-way traffic operating on it now. When a new trestle span opens, the original span is closed for resurfacing and rehabilitation, including an approximately 300-foot-long emergency stopping bay being built about every mile. The new bridge will have 10-foot emergency shoulders on it throughout. The 4-lane highway on Fisherman Island is complete, but just two lanes are open now. The new bridge from Fisherman Island to the Eastern Shore is complete, and the original bridge has been rehabilitated, with traffic now operating on it.
By Scott M. Kozel,
Roads to the Future(Created 10-17-98 11:45 PM; counter 7,653)